Funeral Celebrants are specialist, trained people who perform Funerals in an appropriate, dignified and culturally acceptable ceremony, in accordance with the wishes of the family and wishes left by the departed.

While Celebrant led  services are not led by a minister of religion, they may contain religious content, such as prayers and Hymns if so wished or may be non-religious in nature.

In many cases I work with your Funeral Director and will liase between you. Where a Natural Burial, or Direct Cremation is planned, this may or may not, involve a Funeral Director with all arrangements made by the family and the Celebrant.

When we meet, I will explain why may be involved in the ceremony, advise on planning, discuss music, readings, hymns, prayers and or poetry; all in accordance with your wishes and beliefs. I will then work with you to gather information on the departed and craft tributes and a eulogy recounting their life, experiences, qualities and character. These can be delivered by family, friends or myself. Other family contributions are always welcome and care needs to be taken to ensure duplication does not occur. Strict timing constraints also need to be accounted for if the service is being held at a Crematorium.